Discord.C++ 0.13.0
This is the complete list of members for Intents, including all inherited members.
add(unsigned int intent) | Intents | |
BANS | Intents | static |
Default() | Intents | static |
DIRECT_MESSAGES | Intents | static |
DIRECT_REACTIONS | Intents | static |
DIRECT_TYPING | Intents | static |
EMOJIS | Intents | static |
getIntents() | Intents | |
GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENTS | Intents | static |
GUILDS | Intents | static |
INTEGRATIONS | Intents | static |
INVITES | Intents | static |
MEMBERS | Intents | static |
MESSAGE_CONTENT | Intents | static |
MESSAGES | Intents | static |
PRESENCES | Intents | static |
REACTIONS | Intents | static |
remove(unsigned int intent) | Intents | |
TYPING | Intents | static |
VOICE_STATES | Intents | static |
WEBHOOKS | Intents | static |